Huizhou Huiyang Autumn Chang Positive Force Hardware Decoration Materials Business Department
Our Advantages
  • OEM/ODM:
    With over 30 years of OEM manufacturing in Hardware industry, we’ve started to integrate some of the technical difficulties encountered in the industry to develop our ODM products, and show the advantage of this improvement to customer for testing. Customers can shorten their multiple development time. The expert solution aims to create greater business opportunities for customers.
  • MOQ:
    We have a complete production system process, multiple automated production lines, and a large amount of inventory. We accept low minimum order quantities and achieve high efficiency and fast shipment.
  • High-quality one-stop package:
    It is the benchmark for industry development, with strong product support and one-stop service, allowing customers to save time, effort and worry to complete the hardware procurement work and experience high efficiency and high-quality services.